The Horasis India meeting was co-hosted by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Horasis convened its annual Horasis India Meeting on 24 July. The meeting was held virtually using Horasis digital conferencing platform, gathering 400 of the most senior members of the Horasis Visions Community to discuss how to overcome the COVID-19 crisis and how to inspire India’s future. Download the programme and report.
Details on Andrew’s panel are below and the link to the video is here.
Advancing the Fifth Industrial Revolution
Earlier industrial revolutions broke existing boundaries with creative disruption. The 5th Industrial Revolution will disrupt as well – by means of heightened digitalization – but with humanity and humility as it shall make the world better rather than just more efficient. How can the Fifth Industrial Revolution help us beat COVID-19? And what is India’s role in it?
• Pratik Gauri, India President, 5th Element Group, India
• Andrew McGregor, Director and Founder, Oomvelt Research, USA
• Gopi Krishna Reddy, Executive Director, Grene Robotics, India
• Amit Sharma, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Tata Consulting Engineers, India
• Suket Singhal, Group Chief Executive Officer, Secure Meters Limited, India
Chaired by
• Atul Kulkarni, Director, Eurasia Special Technologies, India