
Protecting Privacy with Fashion from Cap_able
Tàin Bó Cúailnge at Edinburgh Fringe
One Round of Chess… One Round of Boxing. Winner by Checkmate or Knock-Out!
Event Curator & MC
Type stories, songs, and poems while creating music at the same time!
Bagpipes, Duduk and More!
Robotics Meets Animals!
Using Robotics In Service Of Interspecies Communication
An Interactive Sculpture and Scientific Instrument
Experiments at the Intersection of Robots, Animals, Plants & People!
Grammy® nomination for Best Spoken Word Album
Robots That Help Solve Humanitarian Problems
This Typewriter Is Busy Making Art!
Teaching Quantum Mechanics Through Magic!
Can Robots Understand Joy?
Empowering Citizen Reporting
Poems While You Wait!
Scandinavian Runes Onto A 3D-Printed Ball